Ellen Hines

Ellen Hines

Professor Emeritus of Geography and Environment, Associate Director of Academic Programs
Marine and Coastal GIS and Marine Endangered Species
Phone: (415) 338-3512
Email: ehines@sfsu.edu

Hines Lab Website


Research Interests
My research addresses population and community ecology of threatened and endangered species as related to local conservation efforts and regional scale coastal and marine management science. The emphasis is on the evolution of consistent standards of field methodology and monitoring techniques and on the creation of educational materials that can be applied to community-based conservation planning. Current projects include international research on marine mammal bycatch in SE Asia

Selected Publications

(* = graduate student co-author)

  • Costanza, AB**, Guidino, C, Mangel, JC, Alfaro-Shigueto, J, Verutes, G, Caillat, M, Samanta, A, and Hines, E.  2021.  Participatory Risk Assessment of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) and Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) Bycatch in Northern Peru. Frontiers in Marine Science  https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.776965
  • McGowen, MR, Vu, L, Potter, CW, Tho, TA, Jefferson, TA, Kuit, SH, Abdel-Raheem, ST**, and Hines, E. 2021  Whale temples are unique repositories for understanding marine mammal diversity in central Vietnam.  Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69:481-496 https://doi.org/10.26107/RBZ-2021-0066
  • Ham, GS, LaHaye, E, Rosso, M, Moulins, A, Hines, E, and Tepsich, P. 2021.  Predicting summer fin whale distribution in the Pelagos Sanctuary to identify dynamic whale-vessel collision risk areas.  Aquatic Conservation 1-21.  https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3614
  • Ingman, K.**, Hines, E., Mazzini P., Rockwood, C., Nur, N., and J. Jahncke. 2021. Modeling changes in baleen whale seasonal abundance, timing of migration, and environmental variables to explain the sudden rise in baleen whale entanglements in central California.  PLoS One 16: e0248557. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248557
  • Cope, S **, Hines, E, Bland, R, Davis, JD, Tougher, B, Zetterlind, V.  2021.  Multi-sensor integration for an assessment of underwater radiated noise from common vessels in San Francisco Bay. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0003963
  • Backe, K. **, Hines, E., Nielsen, K., George, D., Twohy, E., and M. Lowry.  2021. Effects of sea-level rise and storm enhanced flooding on Pacific harbor seal habitat: a comparison of haul-out changes at the Russian and Eel River Estuaries.  Aquatic Conservation https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3574
  • Nelms, SE, and others (including Hines, EM).  2021. Marine mammal conservation: Over the horizon.  Endangered Species Research: https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01115
  • Studwell, A**, Hines, E., and others. 2020.  Using habitat risk assessment to assess disturbance from maritime activities to inform seabird conservation in a coastal marine ecosystem.  Ocean and Coastal Management: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105431
  • Rudebusch J**, Hughes BB, Boyer KE, Hines E. 2020. Assessing anthropogenic risk to sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) for reintroduction into San Francisco Bay. PeerJ 8:e10241 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.10241
  • Lynch, P.*, Blesius, L., and E. Hines. 2020 Four new methodologies for classifying urban land use types with landsat data. Remote Sensinghttps://doi.org/10.3390/rs12152503
  • Vu, L., McGowen, M.R., Potter, C., Tho, T.A., Kuit, S.H., Abdel-Raheem, S.**, and EM Hines.  2020.  New records of Fraser’s dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) from the whale temples of Vietnam. Aquatic Mammals DOI 10.1578/AM.46.4.2020.395
  • Verutes, GM, Johnson, AF, Caillat, M, Ponnampalam, LS, Peter, C, Vu, L, Junchompoo, C, Lewison, RL, and Hines, EM. 2020. Using GIS and stakeholder involvement to innovate marine mammal bycatch risk assessment in data-limited fisheries. PLoS ONE https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0237835
  • Hines, EM, Johnson, A., Ponnampalam, L., Peter, C., Junchompoo, C., Vu, L., Thien, H., Caillat, M., and Verutes, G. 2020. Getting to the Bottom of Bycatch: A GIS-based toolbox to assess the risk of marine mammal bycatch. Endangered Species Research: https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01037 Johnson, AF, Caillat, M., Verutes, GM, Peter, C., Junchumpoo, C., Long, V., Ponnampalam, LS., Lewison, RL., and EM Hines. 2017. Poor fisheries struggle with U.S. import rule.  Science, 355: 1031.
  • Studwell AJ**, Hines E, Elliott ML, Howar J, Holzman B, et al. (2017) Modeling Nonresident Seabird Foraging Distributions to Inform Ocean Zoning in Central California. PLOS ONE 12(1): e0169517. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169517  
  • Baldwin, C., Lewison, R., Lieske, S., Beger, M., Jones, C., Hines, E., Junchompoo, C, Satumanatpan, S. 2016. Using the Driver Pressure State Impact Response (DPSIR) framework for transdisciplinary and cross-border training and knowledge elicitation: social-ecological dynamics in the eastern Gulf of Thailand.  Ocean and Coastal Management 134: 163-172.
  • Ballenti, L*., Blesius, L, Hines, E., Kruse, B.  2016. Tree species classification using hyperspectral imagery: A comparison of two classifiers. Remote Sensing 8, 445; doi:10.3390/rs8060445
  • Lewison, R. L, Rudd, M.A., Al-Hayek, W., Baldwin, C., Beger, M., Lieskee, S. N., Jones, C., Suvaluck, Satumanatpan, S., Junchompoo, C., and E. Hines. 2016. How the DPSIR framework can be used for structuring problems and facilitating empirical research in coastal systems. Environmental Science & Policy 56: 110-119.
  • Hines, E., Ponnampalam, L.S., Hisne, F.I.J, Whitty, T.S., Jackson-Ricketts, J., Kuit, S.H, and J.M. Acebes. Report of the 3rd Southeast Asian Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAM III) 2015. Langkawi Island, Malaysia, 4-10 March 2013.  Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), United Nations Environment Program
  • Teh, SLL, Teh, CLL, Hines, E., Junchumpoo, C., and R. Lewison. 2015. Contextualizing the coupled socio-ecological conditions of marine megafauna bycatch. Ocean and Coastal Management 116: 449-465
  • Wedding, L. M, Maxwell, S., Briscoe, D., and E. Hines. Geospatial approaches to support pelagic conservation planning and adaptive management. In Press: Endangered Species Research
  • Hines, E., et al. In Memoriam, Kanjana Adulyanukosol. In Press: Marine Mammal Science
  • Jensen, C., E. Hines, J. Redfern, B. Holzman, et al. Spatial and temporal variability in shipping traffic entering and exiting San Francisco Bay. In Press: Coastal Management
  • McClure, A., Liu, XH, Hines, E. and M. Ferner. Evaluation of error reduction techniques on a lidar-derived salt marsh digital elevation model. In Press: Journal of Coastal Research
  • Smith, T.D., Bannister, J., Hines, E., Reeves, R., Rojas-Bracho, L., and P. Shaughnessy. World Ocean Assessment, Chapter 37: Marine Mammals. In Press: The Division of Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea of the United Nations Secretariat www.worldoceanassessment.org
  • Hines, E., Strindberg, S., Jumchumpoo, C., Ponnampalam, L, Ilangakoon, A., and J. Jackson-Ricketts. 2015. Line transect estimates of Irrawaddy dolphin abundance along the eastern Gulf of Thailand. Frontiers in Marine Science doi: 10.3389/fmars.2015.00063
  • Hines, E., Adulyanukosol, K., Charuchinda, M., Somany, P., and Sam Ath, L. 2004. Conservation of dugongs (Dugong dugon) along the Eastern Gulf of Thailand in Thailand and Cambodia. Final Report to Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong, and Project Aware, Australia.
  • Hines, E., Junchompoo, C., Ilangakoon, A., Ponnampalam, L., a 466 nd Jackson-Ricketts, J. 2013. Coastal cetaceans in Trat Province, Eastern Thailand (2013). Final Report to Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong and Indo-Pacific Cetacean Foundation, Australia.
  • Hines, E., Junchompoo, C., Ilangakoon, A., Ponnampalam, L., and Jackson-Ricketts J. 2014. Coastal cetaceans in Trat Province, Eastern Thailand (2012-2014). Final Report to Indo-Pacific Cetacean Foundation, Australia.
  • Edwards, H., Holguin, S.**, Hines, E., and B. Winning. Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) Use of Turneffe Atoll in Belize, Central America. In Press, Caribbean Journal of Science
  • Funayama, K.**, Hines, E., Davis, J, and S. Allen. Effects of sea-level rise on northern elephant seals at Point Reyes peninsula, California. In Press, Aquatic Conservation
  • Briscoe, D.K., Hiatt, S., Lewison, R., Hines, E. 2014. Modeling habitat and bycatch risk for dugongs in Sabah, Malaysia. Endangered Species Research 24: 237-247.
  • Ponnampalam, L.S., Hines, E.M., Monanunsap,S., Ilangakoon, A.D., Junchompoo, C., Adulyanukosol, K. and Morse, L.J. 2013. Behavioral Observations of Coastal Irrawaddy Dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) in Trat Province, Eastern Gulf of Thailand. Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 401-408, DOI 10.1578/AM.39.4.2013.401
  • Keller, C.A., Garrison, L. Baumstark, R., Ward-Geiger, L.I., and E. Hines. 2012. Defining calving habitat for the North Atlantic right whale in the southeastern United States: An application of a habitat model. Endangered Species Research 18: 73-87.
  • Hines, E., Reynolds, J., Mignucci-Giannoni, A, Aragones, L., and M. Marmontel.  2012. Sirenian Conservation: Issues and Strategies in Developing Countries. University Press of Florida.
  • LaCommare, K.S.***, Self-Sullivan, C., Hines, E., and S. Brault.  2012. A boat-based method for monitoring sirenians: Antillean manatee case study.  Biological Conservation 152:169–177.