What is SEA Explorers?
Week-long summer program for youth ages 12-17.
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), Education and Art, explored virtually with scientists, educators and artists from SF State’s Estuary & Ocean Science Center, the SF Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center’s West Coast Marine Invasions Lab.
A unique opportunity to learn what marine biologists, oceanographers, wetland ecologists, geographers, educators and artists do to connect science, society and the sea for a healthy planet!
Each day you will:
· Take a virtual tour of marine science research and habitat restoration in San Francisco Bay
· Engage with experts in their fields
· interactive and inclusive discussions
· Do hands-on activities and express your observations in reflective journals to make sense of what you’ve learned, and
· Explore college and career paths for your future.
At the end of this course, you will be armed with the knowledge, tools and skills to take the next steps in your path to the future you, and earn a certificate of completion.